Adirondack Association of USA Boxing


USA Boxing Athlete Medical Forms

Click here for the USA Boxing Athlete Physical Form.  All boxers competing in USA Boxing-sanctioned events must have a physical filed with their LBC and their passbook must include the page signed by their physician saying they are fit to box or participate in sports and physical activities.   Find other athlete medical forms below:

Masters Boxer Physical Form

Braces Release Form

Breast Implant Release Form

Declaration of Non-Pregnancy


Adirondack LBC Forms

Click here for a printable version of the form to request an amateur boxing event​ in the Adirondack LBC.  Event sanctions may only be requested by a representative of a registered club in our LBC.  A completed Sanction Request form including full payment must be filed with the LBC at least 15 days in advance of the requested date.  USA Boxing adds a $50 fee for sanctions requested fewer than 10 days before an event.

Click here to print a Travel Support Request form​. Travel support may be provided to registered and certified Adirondack LBC members​ attending authorized USA Boxing events.   ​The Board will review all requests and assist as much as possible based on need.

event - clubs - registration - forms - contactwebpoint@usa boxing

Adirondack Association of USA Boxing - PO Box 61 - Waterford, NY 12188


All content © Adirondack Association of  USA Boxing